Sunday, March 04, 2007


Breaking the link between ethicity and Islam

People from different race and religions should be much more acceptable and flexible with other religions. Like in this article, we should be much more open to other people's religion, and respect their culture and practices. If everyone does not respect other people's religion, and be inflexible with other race or religion, there will be many racial disputes and riots everywhere on earth and human will be killing among themselves. Thus, I feel that it is very important and essential that we should live in harmony and learnt to accept each other's religion, only then can there be peace and prosperity in the world.


Ms Chew said...

your reflections are too short and deals very superfically with the article itself...try looking at some of the other blogs to see how others have done it. (refer to class blog)

Ms Chew said...

you need to have specific responses and not general ones. what is the main issue behind this article? how would you apply it to your life/your community? refer to rubrics.