Sunday, February 11, 2007

REFLECTIONS FOR THE NEWSPAPER ARTICLE: Wanted: A Net that can catch its own bad hats.

I feel that we, as Internet users, should be much more responsible in our every actions and be more sensitive to people of other races or religions. People who put up "bad posts" on online forum, on a blog or on YouTube may think that just because their actions cannot be tracked down by the authority and post insultive messages,audio track or video on the internet. Although these people think that what they are doing may be just for fun, they did not really consider what other people may think about their actions. Therefore, I feel that if the Internet should not be a place for irrespondsible net users to put up their offensive posts and get away with it. If this were to be the case, the world would be very chaotic and people will be abusing the Internet to offend each other indirectly in the near future. I also feel that if everyone were to be able to do their part in being a responsible net user and not support insultive or offensive posts, then we will be able to enjoy the Internet.

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