Thursday, September 06, 2007

[Term 3 submission]

Response & Reflections

Article: China's Lead Problems Go Beyond Toys

These few years, one would be able to encounter issues regarding the products made in China. Some Chinese goods factories have been found to be producing substandard or even fake goods which may range from food to toys. China is well known for its cheap manufacturing processes and many factories have been hired by foreign goods company to reduce the cost required to make their goods. Recently, there has been a case where excessive amounts of lead have been found in certain toys which were manufactured in China.

Lead is used in the paint which is used to coat the toys and its main usage is to make the paint look brighter. It can also post as a hazard to the health of those who come into contact with it, especially children. Some harmful effects of lead are vomiting, convulsions, anemia, appetite loss, headaches, etc. Lead exposure is much more serious for young children because they absorb it more easily than an adult and are much more susceptible to its effects.

The two main groups of individuals whom I feel is responsible for the issue of excessive amount of lead, they are the American brand companies and the China manufacturers.

The American companies which hire the China manufacturers to mass produce their various goods have the responsibility to inspect the quality of the goods before they are sold to the consumers. They should ensure that safety and quality regulations are adhere so as to provide good quality goods rather than some substandard piece of junk which may post as a health hazard.

On the other hand, I feel that the China manufacturers should not blame the American brand companies as they have a part to play too. The Chinese manufacturers should ensure that the supplies which they buy to produce their goods with are also of quality. Like in this case, the toy manufacturers could have make sure that their toy paint which they have ordered do not contain excessive amounts of lead or even better, no lead. But one must also realize that some China manufacturers do not have any other choice as they may have financial difficulties and are only able to buy substandard supplies. In this scenario, I feel that the American brand companies or the Chinese government should subsides these manufacturers as the goods which the manufacturers produce would be reflected on the American brand companies and the Chinese government.

To conclude, I feel that companies, be it the American brand companies or the China manufacturers, should have some business ethics as they should not just put their selfish goals in front of their consumers well-being. The China manufacturers especially must ensure their quality of their goods as there are too many factories and companies for the Chinese government to inspect and regulate. I also feel that the American brand companies should check the quality of their goods too as it would save them the time and trouble of recalling the substandard goods and wasting more money manufacturing them all over again.