Thursday, August 23, 2007

[Term 3 submission]
China's Lead Problems Go Beyond Toys

Article: China's Lead Problems Go Beyond Toys
Source: Fox news
Date: Wednesday, August 15, 2007

To view article, please click on the link provided below

[Term 3 submission]
Response & Reflections

Article: Music's the Messenger at Live Earth

7 July, 2007. The day which brings together more than 100 music artists and 2 billion people to trigger a global movement to solve the climate crisis via concert venues located in New York, London, Sydney, Rio de Janeiro, Johannesburg, Tokyo, Shanghai and Hamburg. This 24-hours non-stop musical event aims to use the powerful multimedia platform consisting of television, radio, internet, etc, to reach out to the people to combat climate crisis, to show that global warming is not just a myth.

Firstly, I would like to comment the usage of music. I feel that using music, especially g I feel that the developed countries like America should set a good example for the developing countries by making an effort to reduce their own carbon emissions or by organizing more environmental awareness campaigns.
enres like pop, rock, techno, etc, as a form of outreach is very effective as most people today enjoy listening to these types of modern music. Modern music is more appealing to the younger generation, thus the message of saving the Earth can be spread. People would also look up to some singers and bands as their idols, so when an idol tells his fans that he recycles, everyone would start to recycle too.

The main purpose of having Live Earth is to create awareness of the current situation of global warming and how we must stop it immediately or face the undesirable consequences in the future. I feel that it is possible to combat global warming, it is just the matter of whether we want it or not. Although developed countries have the responsibility to help developing or poorer countries to cut carbon emission, while they themselves are contributing the release of green house gases. How can the more economically developed countries continue to pollute the environment themselves and expect the less economically developed countries to cut down on their carbon emission? If a developing country can reduce their carbon emission, then it should not be too difficult for a more developed country to do so too.

On the national level, the government should continue to organize environmental awareness campaigns and explore for more energy efficient alternatives like solar power and nuclear power. I feel that the developed countries like America should set a good example for the developing countries by making an effort to reduce their own carbon emissions or by organizing more environmental awareness campaigns, since it is one of the few countries which have been contributing to the release of carbon dioxide and other pollutions.

Most people would probably be thinking, how can one help in the reduction of global warming? And what difference who an insignificant individual like me make? On the individual level, any ordinary people like you and me can be ‘green’ by taking the public transport instead of private transport, practicing the three R’s (reduce, reuse, recycle), participating in environmental related campaigns, etc. There are so many different methods of doing one’s part, even if it is small and insignificant, it still helps one to know that he has did his part for the environment, so why not start today if you haven’t and make a difference.
[Term 3 submisssion]

Music's the Messenger at Live Earth

Article: Music's the Messenger at Live Earth
Source: Fox news

Date: 8th of July, 2007

To view full article, please click on the link provided below